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Heritage Commission Minutes 12/16/2010
Chichester Heritage Commission

Members Present: Bob & Faye McAnney, Lucille Noel, Barbara Frangione, Kate Rafferty Hall, Michelle Plunkett

Members Not Present: Dawn Marshall, Bette Bogdan

Minutes of November meeting were accepted.

Michelle received an email from Mary-Kate Ryan (NHDHR).  

As part of my work-plan for 2011, I am going to be working on developing
guidelines for a volunteer-based community architectural survey program.
While we do plan to use the individual inventory forms that most of you
are familiar with, I will be making modifications to how much of the
form will be filled out, as well as focusing heavily on how to help an
interested community plan and scope their survey.
All of your towns have worked with me to either plan or discuss a
potential survey.  Some of your towns have started surveys.  None of the
towns that I've worked with in three years have completed a survey.  I
want to talk with all of you about what worked, what didn't, what you
need from us, what we can help you find in your own towns, and what you
envision this new program offering to your town.
I am planning a roundtable session to discuss this -- just an open
conversation, though if you'd like to bring examples, please do -- on
Friday, 28 January from 1-3 pm.  I will provide the room and snacks if
you can provide your view of what happens on the ground when a community
wants to do a survey.
Please let me know if you can make it.  If you, personally, cannot join
us, please ask someone else from your town or organization if they can
attend, or send me the contact information for someone else who was
involved with your survey effort.  If you have questions, please call me
or shoot back an e-mail.  

I look forward to seeing all of you again, and to creating a more
accessible level of survey for town volunteers.
Mary Kate

State Survey Coordinator
NH Division of Historical Resources
19 Pillsbury Street, Concord, NH 03301

Michelle and Lucille will attend on January 28th.

Old Business

Main Street Brochure

Good Progress
Front of brochure will have our ìcowî picture and ìChichester Historic Main Streetî.  Still discussing how to display homes and sites.

Canterbury Rd. Trees (Bob McAnney)
Bob received 6 responses from Canterbury Rd. residents.  Hopefully these residents will be able to attend our January meeting.  
Tim Fluery, Merrimack County Forester, will be contacted to see if he can attend the January meeting.
Some of the question for Tim Fleury
  • Make sure who owns the property
  • State Section
  • What is the Town/State right of way
  • Were the trees planted by someone
  • PH and age may be factor for the trees dying
  • Can we use low salt of road
  • Do we need to take soil samples
  • Bare root or ball root trees
We will put an article in the Suncook Sun to invite residents to our January meeting, for input about the trees.
Bob will contact residents who responded to the January meeting.

Master Plan
Objectives completed
Brief history done

Kate will complete section on Lane Rd, Garvin Hill and Blackman.
Michelle will complete section on Bear Hill and Pineground
Lucille will complete section on Canterbury Rd.
Faye will complete section on Kelly Corner, Webster Mills and Fellows Mills
As a group we will complete Horse Corner

New Business

Meeting with Maggie Stiers (NH Preservation Alliance)
Lucille, Kate, Faye and Jamie Pike present on 11/29/10 @ 12:30 pm
The purpose of this visit was to see if the building qualified for NH Preservation Alliance Needs Assessment Grant.
Maggie determined that other than maintenance issues, the Grange Hall was in good repair and would not need a formal assessment.
The following was noted as we toured the building:
  • Work was done in 2010 to repair leaks, more work needed to maintain the slate roof
  • Of most concern are the caps, flashing, and rusted slate hooks.\
  • An estimate was submitted by Mr. Leone to be about $9,640.

  • Some broken panels
  • Sash weight missing
  • Reglazing needed
  • Some rot
  • All need painting
  • Attic windows need to be tightened
  • Plastic or interior storms installed as temporary measures to keep cold out
Stage Area
  • Plaster in poor shape
  • Missing or breaking away from laths
  • Save the area will all the names, etc from past plays
  • Front roadside right corner foundation needs some repointing
  • Check drainage to see if water damage caused the problem
  • Green area along long side of building for buffer (Jim Plunkett has offered to do this)
Other suggestions from Maggie
  • Energy audit by professionals with list of recommendations, i.e. insulation, storm windows, tighten up the building in general
  • Develop and write a 3-5 year maintenance plan
Look into grants for this
  • Moose Plate
  • L-Chip
Michelle will contact window restoration companies for estimates.

There was a motion to accept the project of restoring the windows.

Michelle 1st and Faye 2nd.  Commission voted to take on the project to preserve/repair Grange Hall windows and apply for grants (Moose, L-Chip, etc) for the Grange Hall in January.

Meeting was adjourned 8:30pm

Respectfully Submitted
Michelle Plunkett